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Game awesome! I don't have VR but, its doesnt really affects the gameplay or anything, and thats goo, I think...
Anyways I used debug menu to see how "reputation" works, just in case if ppl searching how to get vored or stomped: When Talas sits on floor or wants you to clean up their dirty claws, just run away! Birb gonna get mad a lil, and after 2-3 more times you will become food or a puncake! ~

A oh btw. I hope there is gonna be more gain reputation methods and interactions on how high or low it is. For example for good work on paws Talas could give some snacks, or maybe put ya in terrarium if player run away too much time... Also big hopes on voice lines or atleast just text in chat/subtittles for birb ~
Sadly payment methods are denied in my country so I cant support project through donation... So I hope game gonna get on steam and i can buy it! Defenetly will ~

(3 edits)

Hey! Thank you for the feedback! ^v^ 

I prepare a update focused on AI. In this update I will review the AI system and do better feedbacks with the player, so no need to open the debug menu to know  what your relations with Talas. 

This update with also add the support for a optional chat bot in game used to control Talas, take decisions and speak in game (Text only)

 The  supporters will able to vote for the next update target. :3

It all fine! And I will continue to release free versions after the early ones.

For the moment the game contain too less content I want to be published in Steam. I want to add more characters and environments before. Also I like the monthly subscription. I a bit scared that peoples stop support when it on Steam, so I prefer wait the project it more advanced.

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Oh, sweet! Cant wait to talk to big birb, even on text.~ 
Ngl if thats really gonna be AI chat bot, with possibility of, maybe, roleplay, thats gonna be priceless (In good side ":3)! ~

And about steam... After game bought you could add some DLC, like skins for player avatars in multiplayer, some accessories for Talas, such as toe rings, collars or other thingys.
As alternative something like ingame montly subscription, but thats might eh idea... 

Anyways, thank you for such a great yet not complited game! 
I wish for more free time, less stress, enough mone, good physical and mental health ~ :D

EDITED: I found how to donate. Congrats, + one sub! ~

Yeah you will able to RP :3 that API will be open so you will able to play with an online AI like chat GPT or a local one like Mistral

About DLC that a possibility but I don't like, I want people able to enjoy the full experience with a single copy of the game :3

Thanks you! I do my best and thank you for the support! ^v^ ❤️

is there a way to turn off regen?

Hey, hum not for the moment


okay, thanks! Love this game and can’t wait to see how it grows!

Thanks! ^v^ I plan many stuff :3


Do you think you could add more macros? Like a wolf or fox? And maybe even more interactions? Like being an insole? 


Yes that planed but not soon, I will post a road map with votes about it in some days. :3

Hello author!Can you tell me when the game is released on steam, will the workshop be immediately available for modifications or not?

Hey, I plan to release on Steam when I added more content and chracters and yes the game is open to modding so I will use the workshop :3

Yeah, thanks for that!

Hi there, I may have missed it somewhere so sorry if this sounds stupid, but is there a way for keyboard and mouse users to use the flashlight?

Hi! Sadly for the moment that only possible using cheat codes

Try this:

Spawn you a flashlight (Right hand): /cheat_sinisterportabledieu
Spawn you a flashlight (Left hand): /cheat_dexterportabledieu
Remove all spawned flashlights: /cheat_paspordieu

Awesome! I will try that out, Thank you!

author, can you please tell me how to open the debugging menu.Also, when will the next update be?

v0.4.5.1 January I hope, v0.4.5.2 later.

I recommend to wait if you want to enjoy the vore content.

And you can open debug menu with "K" or "R" :3

Thank you very much, and would you like to add the game to steam (well, of course, when there's a bunch of new stuff)?

Sure a day, bur for the moment I don't feel the game ready. I want more content, characters, enviroments and better quality. Also I preffer montly support. it more stable on my side. :3


I completely agree with you, especially with the support, after all, everyone needs money and there's no way without it)!

Thanks! :3

this game rocks! alot of intetactions with enviroment and macro themselfes. though i dont think i can for sure be aware of them. do u have aany sort of guide to ai or something, to know requirments of all interactions. like for example, why do i want Talas to stand on table? no idea.

Happy to hear! About the AI you will have to try, the AI is not really finished, I will do many changes in a future update. You can also switch game mode to game master in the pause menu to control Talas directly.

yeah, that helps alot. also i found console commands ui, though i have no idea how to use it. how can i know list of all commands?


You have all details on Github :3 
Cheat Codes:

I Had A Much More.. Interesting, Experience Just Recently, And I Think It's Because I Made Talas Upset? I Know There's Values Of Displeasure But What Exactly Do You Do To Make Him Mad?


For the moment it a bit complicated because the AI don't give many advice or feedback.

The best you can do is way he sit close to you then you go away forcing him to standup, you do that several time and that will make Talas Angry


You can alos make Talas Angry using the debug menu

Any plans to add macros other than the bird?

Yes! In v0.5 :3

Author when will the next update be and how respectable will it be?

Maybe december for v0.4.5.1 but I recomand you to wait v0.4.5.2 for the sound desing :3
I think they all respectable :3

Hello author!I'd like to ask you.Are you going to give the characters distinctive gender traits in the future?For example, genitals or other distinctive features and you need a hole in the area between the thighs (well, you know what I'm talking about, it just makes me a little embarrassed to write such things, so I'm not straightforward about such things ...).

I don't plan on adding sex organs to the game at the moment, I think is the future but in a long time. Also the game is open to modding. :3

Then can you please tell me where you can download these modifications and where you need to transfer them (to which folder)?

I did not do mod for it. I mean if you want to do modding and add sex organs with custom game logics I'm agree. 
I don't know myself wow do modding x)

In a future update I will add the support for custom character modding in game. You will able to import VRChat characters.

Understood, thanks.And by the way, can you write instructions in the game itself on how to import a character from VR chat so that others know how to do it, unless of course it's difficult for you?

For the moment it not possible. Need to wait the character modding update. Then I will add the instruction on te Github page :3

The swallowing scene with talas could also use some work and neck bulge when going down not shitting on the game but I see great potential in it just pointing things out that could use some work and Hopfully makes this a very well made vore game love the work so far if you need a reference for what I’m thinking about neck bulge go to (the wiking2000) his stuff is really great for animations he’s done

Oooh thanks for the referance, I will look about it.

And thanks, I want to do the best macro micro game. ~v~

bet can’t wait to see this game progress 

Should add to be able to spawn micros with a.i to go and run around and do random things and be able to do what the player is also able to do or just simple things like distracting talas and getting swallowed and a guide on how to play game and game master with the decision table

It planed with the AI update if people vote for it. :3


Will there solely be oral vore?

Yes for the moment, I don't want make it too nsfw maybe more in the future.

there is a censor option is there not? 

Not on this

(1 edit)

the a.i for the bird nexts some work cause rn i have her "percentages" set to her being a vore hungry bird walking over micros and checking her feet and grabbing micros and swallowing them but she just walks around. pls help

I will make big changes to the AI when I release the AI update.
Did you set it using the game master? If yes, it should work. Maybe Talas didn’t notice you.
Also, you can stand close to the food if you want Talas to eat you.

Food? In the kitchen I’m guessing I’ll have to try it 

si, ho aggiunto il gioco alla libreria come gioco non di Steam, poi collego il visore con il cavo, apro Steam VR e tramite quello eseguo il gioco; ma incorre in un Fatal Error subito. (Ho appena preso un visore quindi non so se sbaglio qualcosa io, ma e' l'unico gioco che non funziona)

If it don't work with Steam VR sadly you will have to wait the next hotfix. :/

forse ho scritto male, volevo dire che non funziona neanche su steam vr

Oh, Sorry I miss understand, you launch Steam VR, then the game and it still Crash?

succede anche con Steam VR

Happy to hear, enjoy!

quando uso la modalita'  vr nell'ultima versione del gioco il gioco fallisce e si blocca, come si puo' risolvere?

It a bug, you need to use Steam VR, I will fix in the next Pre Alpha

is it possible to be glued to soles instead of stuck 

Hey ^^
What you mean glued ? In fact if you stay stuck ur because Talas sole are dirty and sticky as glue.

(1 edit)

too expensice i wish i could afford 10 pounds but i only have 3 pounds

i wanted update 45 for the vore system but i cant afford it 

so guess screw me ;(

I'm sorry to, hear, but in around one year you will able to play it for Free. :3

(1 edit)

any estimated time for public releases?also how does the relationship with talas work as in how does it increase/decrease

For the moment in around one year. 

If you run away from him when he interact with you that will make Talas Angry, is you rub his paws he will like that :3

is there an indicator for relationship

I have nothing but to say this game is incredible.

By the way, is there a way to change models?

Thank you!

In the future I will add tools for game modding, you will able to import characters if this update is voted. :3


here me out, what if you added a frog character?

Hehe maybe a day, it not planned for the moment.

Is there only a macro bird in this game, or is it possible to change the macro character?


For the moment only a macro bird, but I plan more in the future. :3

Deleted 119 days ago

It works as other VR computer games, you installed the oculus App on your computer?

Here the guide I did for Quest 2

Can I Play this with Meta Quest 3 without cable?

Sure! You need use virtual desktop with a computer that run the game if I'm correct. I can't test myself because I don't use quest 3

I connected my Quest 2 to my computer with a quest link cable and the meta application, but the game does not detect my headset...

It should, what say the title message when you open the game?

I installed the zip file but it said the zip file was empty. do you have a fix for this? i am technologically illiterate

Hello @dabigbobby you need extract the files from the zip file, Try to right click on the file you downloaded and search an option Extract

that is what I did. The file downloaded to my cpu as a zip file but when I try to open it or extract it it claims the file is empty :[

If it is convenient i could  just give you my email and you could send it via that?

Th file is too big to be send by mail, what the size of the zipped file you downloaded? It maybe corrupted and need to be redownloaded.

I believe it was around 8 gb

When will talas get genitals??


Not planed for the moment but a day :3

quanto manca per la versione 0.4.5 del gioco?

Next month if all goes well :3

hello,is there commands in the game if yes could you tell us what they are?

(1 edit)

Hello, you can found commands and cheat code on my GitHub Wiki :3 |

Thank you

The game isn't detecting a quest 3 headset using virtual desktop streamer.

What is virtual desktop steamer? You can play using meta link with the meta desktop app

Can't download the game in both direct and Dropbox link. It always "finishes" downloading either above or bellow 1gb.

Nvm. Finally downloaded. Must be my shitty wifi :P

Sorry I just see, glad it works now. Enjoy it :

Just to give you a notion:

Took me 8 hours with constant watch @w@

i can't seem to adjust the sound settings, they always keep resetting back to 100 when i try to change them, any ideas why this is?

Hey, sorry for that it an bug, It fixed for the next version

the bootup screen is giving me the "press k to switch to vr" prompt, but when i do nothing happens. if i hold it down it goes to the PC title screen.

i'm using steamVR through virtual desktop on quest 2 because i'm too poor to afford the valve headset or anything that connects directly to my desktop

am i stupid?

Hello, the game is Open XR and work native with Open XR dev devices try with quest link or air link without Steam VR and Virtual desktop

I've tried downloading the game, but my virus protection considers some part of the game as unwanted or a virus. I had to go allow it, but i just wanted to bring that issue up if someone else has the same issue.

Oh that weird, what it the antivirus software ? And it on windows or linux.

mcafee, windows. It kept deleting it until I figured out what happened, but somehow it triggers it into thinking it's a virus or something. 

That not a virus of course, thanks for the info I will look about what can produce that.

(1 edit)

Hey, I'm looking about it. You get an message that show more detail, 

an error type or a specific file name? Maybe a screenshot of the warning. You can contact me on discord for send me the details.

there wasn't much of a message detailing unfortunately. McAfee just recognized it as a virus and quarantined it before I could install. I had to okay it before I could install. It didn't say anything about what part of it was considered a virus.

Oki, maybe just an bug from McAfee

will you add some saliva and some slimy, wet effects for tallas' mouth and stomach?

btw i dunno if its just me but when tallas gets on the table his tallons don't expand i mean they don't flat out against the surface (glass in the table case) like in the earlier builds

Yes I will add slime stuff in the next version ^^

About glass view that look like a bug, it should flat the sole against the glass, you can do a post in bugs on my discord with some details

Ok thank you

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